Tuesday, January 08, 2008


well many things have happened over the past year or so, and i'm thankful to God for each of the things which did. as enlistment looms i guess it is time for a hiatus, until i can think of something better to do with a blog.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008


it currently feels like i'm at the crossroads of life now, waiting for results, waiting for NS. don't really know what to expect, but at least i've got stories from others who have gone through or are going through the army now :)

puchong mission trip was a fulfilling experience, managed to make a lot of friends and learnt quite a bit from it.

packing my closet now, never realised how much nonsense was in there. lol.

Friday, December 14, 2007

hi. will be going away tml till next saturday for puchong mission trip.

as usual we dunno exactly what to expect, but with God's help i'm sure this trip will be a fantastic one :)

the tuao team has probably reached tuao by now too.

Monday, November 26, 2007

was watching a documentary entitled 'my brilliant brain' (or something like that) on natgeo. it followed an eight year old pianist, who played beethoven's sonatina no. 1 when he was three, more cleanly than i can now. and oh yes he has perfect pitch (apparently 1 in 10000 people have it; well it does make me feel a bit more privileged :P) and can recognize tonality of chords. and yeah he's like playing high level concertos and chopin pieces.

well so the reason one of the researchers gave for some childrens' amazing ability with music is because they like it and are drawn into something like a trance when they play it. and heres the catch: they get better at it when they practice even more and want to learn it better (i just practice up to a point when i get angry/sian/when i feel like i'm not improving).

so the discussion goes on about whether it is nature or nurture, and the conclusion is never drawn, so i guess both have their part in creating a genius.

but my consolations are that if i were to live the life the little dude lives, i'd be practising 8h a day, and i wouldn't be able to connect that well to friends my age, and i wouldn't have the privilege of going through a normal schooling life. and even young prodigies face a challenge when they go through puberty/become an adult cos the thing about child prodigies is that it seems queer that a child is doing what adults can do, but when they grow older a lot more is demanded like critical interpretation and an individual style in order to keep their fame. and yeah mozart was one of those people, but he died at 35.

so in conclusion, life is fair. when i practice music, i think the most important thing is to enjoy myself, and not bother whether i can master the pieces to the extent the world class performers on youtube do. the documentary also found that if children started to receive brain stimulation in the form of creative learning and puzzles even before the age of 3, they would have an advantage in terms of intellect later in life. but i guess what is most important is that we recognize that God has given us different talents and use it for his glory.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

i've spent the last 2h cleaning up my table. the total amount of visible table is now the size of an A3 piece of paper, an achievement i must say. haha and this is the first time the compulsive disorder to clean the table kicked in so hard. luckily besides all the dust the only other gross stuff i encountered was three small spiders.

but it was quite sad, packing away all my old notes into a cardboard box. won't be studying academic subjects for at least the next two years. and i've got about a year to think of what course i want to study in uni.

but for now, just relaxation, and yes, more guitar.

Monday, November 19, 2007

hello. my exams are now over!!!!

God has really been good to me, helping me through the music paper today despite me feeling really tired.

i've just opened the envelope of the scores i bought from the USA which arrived last week. yay got new songs to play.

Monday, November 12, 2007

hello, its been some time, and in that time the ib exams have started and now 9 papers are over already.

the past eight days have been incredibly tiring, but i'm so glad the bulk of my papers is over. God has really been good to me, giving me papers that i can manage. now i have quite a reasonable amount of time to rest and study for math p3 on friday, and then music next monday.
