Monday, February 26, 2007


today i finally got my guitar results back, and woohoo i passed!! 4 marks short of a distinction but never mind haha.

but really, between the time when my guitar teacher smsed me at 730pm to 9pm when he came, the anxiety was terrible haha. plus before he came i found out that two of my friends didn't pass and one of my classmates got distinction. for piano. so i was kind of expecting a fail grade.. after all wouldn't my guitar teacher call me immediately when he collected the results?

before my guitar teacher came i was reading the new devotion book that i found, and this week's topic is on 'one source of significance'. our worldly achievements really do not make us any more significant in God's eyes. it is because we are children of God that we are significant.

to be honest, i cant really say that i'm ecstatic that i passed, more of relieved. yes my heart longs for higher marks. such is human desire.. unsatisfyable haha.

yes i thank God for helping me through the period before my exam and for answering my prayers, but thats the problem with earthly achievements sometimes, that we work hard, and at the end we say that our achievements is because of our work. it becomes hard to see where God comes into the picture.

yet when we fail, we usually go back to God at the end of it, as, like the book puts it, failure is part of teh human condition. and it really points to the fact that we are significant simply because we are God's children.

kk gdnite!!


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