Saturday, October 28, 2006

woah its been a long time since i last blogged!!

the holidays have started!! woohoo!! and i have lots of things i want and have to do.. some of the stuff include the 4000 word essay i have to do, at least i made a start haha, about 3 more other essays, music compositions, and practice for my upcoming guitar exam.

and of course do lots of nothing.

and then in dec its off to the phillipines for the mission trip!! and then beijing with my family, and then a partial youth camp cos i got guitar practice, will try to get myself excused as much as possible :(

just about a while ago i opened some obscure cabinets located at the outskirts of my room.. and one of them contained lots of old old old stuff that i used to play with, rather intellectual stuff i must say lol.. connect 4, a tangram, mastermind, puzzles, as well as a stack of unused origami paper, and hordes and hordes of origami i made, and i was in shock for a while how i made so much of it. no wonder i can still remember how to fold paper cranes up to this day. lol.

childhood memories. and i caught the last 15 minutes of spongebob this morning on kids central at 9:15.. RARR i miss being able to watch kids central without this voice at the back of my head screaming 'you're retarded! you're retarded!' while i'm at the channel. lol i really miss kids central. lol.

ok then. cya


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