Friday, January 06, 2006

phew. the past 4 days have really been a challenge for me, and school will never be the same again, neither will i.

i just really thank God that i managed to survive it and that it ended on an ok note. and that i managed to stay alive despite tues and wed until 6, and ytd and today until 10+++. ok heres a brief introduction to the new Year 5 @ acs. there are arnd 360 students in year 5, and there are 69 girls only. hence, terrible proportions. and terrible politics come with that. my orientation group had 3 girls and 12 guys for the 1st 2 days, and all 3 girls were extroverts and very strong characters. hahah so i basically just gave up talking to them, cos other guys were hanging around them more, and they also dint seem very interested to talk to me. im pretty sure they cant even remember my name.

I DUNNO. its very difficult to explain. especially when i haven't talked to girls who are the same age as me for more than a year. i just felt really awkward the past few days. i need to see you all long time church frens again to regain my energy (and the ability to be myself again). yeaps.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28


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