Monday, May 02, 2005


i dun feel like studying, playing doesnt make me any much happier, playing guitar is rather depressing.. dunno why.

what are feelings? can they realli be trusted? i wonder. i haven realli been able to trick my feelings in any way.. and i dun realli try to suppress them either. this leads to weird things. weird things like the unresolve to study.

i dunno.. but everytime exam period comes, my brain jus shifts into holiday mode. maybe its the urge to play as hard as i work (which results in my brain becoming real tired) or maybe my definition of 'study' is way off from my mom's.

anyway i shall talk here a bit more about syf. even tho i made it seem like 'woah!!! we got gold!!' in the last entry, tt realli isnt the case. its more of.. 'aiya gold only'.. quoting one of my guitar fren's nicks. everybody is realli, realli sore over the 'honour-less' competition, cos there was supposed to be a special award given out to like.. 3 or so grps. in the end, as u can see, morning session no sch got, and afternoon session onli temasek jc got, crownign them top guitar ensemble in singapore. i too, seeing the rest of my frens realli sad cos got no gwh, also sad. but come to think of it.. there realli wasnt any grp realli standing out and screaming 'Gold with honours belongs to US!!' okay not literally but yeah. every sch had its flaws. so i guess.. aiyah wad to do. we cant change the decision the judges made, and we did our best, i played my solo 95%, so hu cares wad others think.

yeah tts all.. back to do hu noes what now..


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